Honied Gaze

You'd never understand

how excruciatingly beautiful

the wait for your voice becomes

as the minutes stack

themselves upon heartbeats

weighing down the possibilities

of Love.

          Broader yet

          than the scope of dreams

          and twice as real.

Here I am

at the moment

choking on a fistful of sand

to remind me

who can turn it to sugar

in her hand...

          All the while

          watching deserts expand

          into a globe of grains

          in her absence,

          and searching the world

          for the bruising water

          of a single cactus.

And I claim the shame

of watching words crumble

at a touch

of something humble

as a strand of hair,

bundled into something greater

like vines in jungles:

          A quiet intensity

          that quickly fumbles

          my paragraph gaze

          into mumbles of stares.

After it's all said and done,

bumble bees scattered,

fattened with nectar anew,

return to my cranial hive

with a message:

          Honey, I love you...

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Gary Mills's picture

Been waiting for some new stuff from you. Nice as usual, a bit subdued. But with all the twists and turns I expect from your work. Cranial Hive indeed.

Stay safe
