

"Perfection is a spectrum

I will never know"

Come clear and precise

Make known every vice

A cleansing device... this sacrifice.

My mask of illusion

Brings only confusion

So let me bring forth my mental pollution.

I have seen a soul in need

And turned away...

No, my conscience did not feed

On guilt or sway...

I have looked into a loving eye

And lied...

I have pushed away a good friend

Whilst they cried...

I have wished hatred and death

On half the world...

I have given icy stares

To a little girl...

I have felt the need for envy

Over all...

Just to feed my sense of purpose

Red and raw...

I have given in to

Superficial love...

Pushing forth the known disaster

With resolve...

I am hedonistic

Telling you my sins...

Just for pity and so I could say

'I win.'

I have hidden truths that could

Have helped great deals...

Just because I like my

Little thoughts concealed...

I have thought of losing faith

Over a dollar...

And I've strangled my neighbor

Over his collar...

I have argued thoughts that I know

Are unsound...

Just to prove you wrong

And delight in your frown...

I have mastered ways to

Make you suffer so...

Just to push you down

So I can feel I grow...

I'm at best, manipulative

And insecure...

And I dirty all your names

To look more pure...

But I'm only just a wasteland

Of a lie...

And I'm so... so.... oh my god I'm so... sorry

If I've made you cry.

Yes I'm sinning while I'm grinning

As you fall...

Oh you'd jail me if only

I'd broken laws...

But what I have done leaves no room

For courts or cells...

But a twisted and self-mastered

Inner hell...

A selfish fool, I welcome

All my fates...

Yet hold on to this sickness

That's innate...

Sing suffering please

For I never will seize

Hold of my disease...

I wish I can bleed you

And say that I need you

Instead of deceive you...

"At times when I could cleanse my heart

I'd rather lay a fart."

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Athalia Lystra's picture

Well, well, well. Perhaps one of the most powerful pieces i have come across so far. Your intelligence and wit truly shine through this one. Nicely done!