Doorknobs of Secrecy

let us not be bound

to hands on window glass

on the other side of what's profound.

we shall turn door knobs of secrecy

completely around.

spell out

through pane's frost

what makes you cold.

i'll thumb

a thick underline below it...

where the sun don't shine,

we show it.

so take this chilling wind

and blow it

into me...

as always,

I will be a shrine

for your breath.

seal your fears to rest

in my coffin lungs.

and I promise you...

I won't clean

dirt streaks off my car

til I let you drive it.

and I promise you...

I won't wipe what bleeds

from a vein of sin

til you see it, define it...

for I am a hybrid

of dust and sky...

dirt and shine...

embrace my totality

and you will be truly


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