Once-Verdant Canopy


Sliver moon

Ghost-pale slender.

Thinning rays

On bones setting. 


My corporeal September.

Foliage falling,


Timely bloodletting. 


Leaves CRUNCH.

Twigs sn-ap

'Neath the dense air

Of your speech.


Once-verdant canopy


To achres

Over which your skies

Will no longer weep.

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patriciajj's picture

You achieved an atmospheric

You achieved an atmospheric splendor by tying the "thinning rays" of the moon to the "bones" of the trees. "bloodletting" was a power-packed word choice that pops with emotion, but the real brilliance was using these images of fading beauty and death to evoke the emotions that arise from our changing relationships. The last two lines were an entire story told in one breath. A stunner. 

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Your imagery is very

Your imagery is very powerful!
