


Sometimes I talk

And the words don’t flow

Quite right.

Like I queue

Too many syllables

But the vocal bandwidth’s

A bit too


A sputtering train

Chugs along cluttered trails,


As dictated by its rails.


To do so expediently

But ever obediently

Tackles the slog

Through the night.

Graffiti’d boxcars

Clump and loosen,

Bumpin’, bruisin’ 

Their way to station.

Be patient

Through the fog

And you’ll make out the light.


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Upbeat Folk Song

You have much self-clarity and have created

a beautiful poem, flowing progressive language

and an absolutely masterful metaphor... Woo!

I am a glad passenger on this triumphant train.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not