Haunted by almost forgotten memories,
memories that i hold dear to my heart,
ones that I don't want to let go,
but the one thing that i don't want to let go the most,
is her.
Memories will come and go,
the moments that we think of dear,
they are,
until you are with the one you truly love.
Once we are with that special one forever,
there will be more memories,
Memories that will replace the ones from before.
If someone intervenes with all your plans,
with a love that has been going on for along time,
what would you do?
let the one person you will ever love, go,
and be with the person that is always there for her,
or would you intervene?
Honestly I don't know What to do.
she loves someone who she knows that she will see every day,
but she loves me and we have been together thus long,
but we don't see each other as often as we would like.
these memories that i hold dear to my heart,
are of me and her,
when we first met in person.
their so very preciouses memories to me,
and I don't want them to end.
I hope that she makes the right depiction,
in the end I hope she choses me,
and not him.