Havent Heard From You

April 2007

I havent heard from you in days

I am just so scared that somethings very wrong

and I fear you just havent had the courage to say

However I will push the fear aside and as always stay strong

I hope you are doing fine roaming the world without me there

I have got to be honest- I am not doing okay without you

It is killing me inside that we are so far apart, it just doesnt seem fair

The days get more lonely and I am not sure of what I should do

I am lost here without you

Not so sure that I can make it one more day

Praying that things will slow down for us

That I can finally come your way

....but what if they never do....

what will we do then

Wlll we have to give up our love

and forever be just friends

I cant go back to that

I cant bear to lose the best thing thats happened to me

Truthfully, you are the only reason I am still alive

It is you that helped me through this storm to survive

So without your love to take care of my heart ,

I know that I would fall apart

The shattered pieces would fall to the ground

Silence of a dead night is all that would surround

So take my life before you take away my love

I would rather cry a thousand tears of blood ...

...then to have to live one day without you

I would be so lost, I would not know what to do

And if when I awaken from my coma....

love is not there by my side....

I pray you quickly pull the plug....

and finish killing everything inside

But if love is there and waiting....

Keep me alive without hesitating

for life with my love has reason to be alive

and I know with him there, anything I can survive.

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Like this lots..it's saddening, but beautiful

Since Destroyed