Linked by their hearts

January 2007

Lets make a deal and call it a night.

I'll hold onto my fear and clench the covers tight.

and when I awaken by the morning light,

I'll still be breathing and know everything is alright.

Day by day passes and Im unsure where the time goes. But that is alright as I am waiting to be with you, so I only hope the time easily flows.

  Everyday that passes I only love you more.

You are the one I would lay down my own life for

My heart is in this one hundred percent.

  You are the one with whom my whole life will be spent.  

I cant believe that I finally found you,

i have been searching for so long...

I know now that by your side I can do no wrong.

You truly are a gift to me, you are someone I deeply treasure.

Every moment spent by your side is a moment I greatly pleasure.

To awaken each and every morning by your side.

To be your lifetime companion; your wife, your bride

Dearly beloved we gather here today to join two broken souls.

They came together and filled all the holes.

They will stay by each other for the rest of their life, never will they choose to part.

  For they are linked together by their hearts

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Essence Scott's picture

still have interesting titles to your work...there are some people i know who i feel the same way about...stop in and read my poem called *a friend like you* it describes the way i feel about a few people i call friends...