She Is::

April 2007

She puts on her makeup the same way as she did many times before

Hiding her lies behind her mascara and blush

Bleeding underneath her clothes and the world still begging for more

She is still so afraid of love, not to mention his touch

She goes about her life as she always did in the days that have past

She wishes only for no more scars, no more pain

Her smiles have faded, good feelings never last

She is getting closer to believing that she really is insane

She continues to hide her tears

She cant let one soul walking the earth see

She is so afraid of all her fears

She is living her life in misery

She is broken inside

Her heart lying on the ground beneath where she stands frozen

She cringes when she sees her reflection, giving her another reason to run and hide

She wonders why she exists, why for life she was the one chosen

She is dying and nobody knows

She is hurting so badly, wishing she could just let go

She is crying again, and her mascara runs

She vows that this is the end, that she is finally done

But when she has to go out, she paints on a smile

and tries to pretend to be okay all the while

She tries to shake it off, tries to go on

But it is hard to pretend when you are not that strong

She will let them pick up the pieces, its too much to do herself

She will ask them to take her heart and lock it high upon a shelf

She is so confused about what is going on

She still wishes that she was gone

She is on the edge between life and death

She keeps on praying for her final breath

Disappointed everyday that it doesn’t come

Tired of having to find something to make her feel numb

She is so alone

Feeling that everyone has abandoned her

She wants to go home...

but she feels that dying is her only cure...

She is addicted to the salvation she finds in a razorblade

But she loathes herself for every scar she has ever made

Yet she continues to slash her skin

She cant stand the person that she has become within...

She is a nobody

Worthless and dead to the universe

She is a somebody no one will ever see

She plays the part that will always go unrehearsed

She looks out the window and stares at the stars

As she closes her eyes, she says out loud,

"Starlight star bright, if only this could turn out right...

I wish that I could die tonight...."

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Shattered Eden's picture

That in your poem, in this piece, is the reason I have named myself Shattered Eden has been shattered so much, and recreated, and it is never the same as it orginally was....

I go through my life doing the same thing. No one but me can see myne pain. No one can see my hurt, I hide it all, I can do this. I hide it from my parents, I hid it from my best friend, Justin. I couldn't let so many people know that I was so miserable. I can cry, not in front of my parents, and above all you should be able to cry in front of them, not me. To fully cry, I have to be around the ones I trust or by myself....I cry for everything. No one gives a fuck about it all. No one has and, frankly, no one will. This is the hell I seem to be condemned to. I hide behind it all. I bleed so much, I need a release, I need someone who won't betray me, loyalty to the hilt of the sword....

Please forgive the length of this comment...

Shattered Eden