i'm not in love

the feeling that i had wasn't love

   just because i felt i could touch the stars above

looking into his eyes didn't put me in a trance

    just because i felt i was floating and wanted to dance

the touch of his hand, didn't make my heart race

    just because my body ached for his warm embrace

the soft whispers in my ear , didn't ignite a flame

    just because i forgot even my own name

just because our bodies stirred passionate heat

     didn't make me want to tear off his clothes

and dropped them at his feet

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It's whatever you want it to

It's whatever you want it to be. Not complicated at all unless you want it to be. Confusion, misunderstandings of feelings vs. love, reality vs delusions, vs illusions vs, our egos.... all a matter of choice. There is no 'magic' fantasmical found to be defined as love. 


Great write!! ~peace~



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


golly_mz_molly's picture

thank you

thank you so much for reading ,,i write from my heart about whats on my mind