The War Unseen

Through this battlefield I have walked

Never once can I stop

To know the joy of a battle won

Is something I will never know

To some it’s just a battle that can be easily fought

But for me it’s a never ending war

Day in, day out, the fight never ends

It weakens my heart and clouds my head

Will it ever end!

Is there a single soul who knows how this feels within?

To have this pain, that’s dug down deep

To describe it with words

When there are none to speak

I’m afraid of what I’m becoming

From this war I’m in

Feeling myself get weaker as the day ends

I’ve lost the strength to fight

No longer am I strong as I used to be

To have the will to go on in this war unseen

When I feel so weak

I see the faces I used to know

Then all in a flash watch them all go

All disappear straight into the ground

No longer by my side like they used to be

My brothers in arms now living on and on

In my memories

A struggle for my life, my mind, my peace

Trying to be as strong as I can be

I’m Surviving every day

With every breath I breathe

A soldier I will always be

Fighting a war no one can see.



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WasteOfPaint's picture


This is really good. One we can all relate to. As i was reading it was evoking emotions towards my own battle, but i get the feeling my battle is different from yours, and the next persons, so it is one we can all relate to becausewe are all fighting our own battle.

My mother was a rainbow

My father turned her grey

they loved me like a sky lantern

they watched me fly away

a.griffiths57's picture

The War Unseen:



Absolutely ceasless - we fight so many battles daily it is no wonder we get frail and older quicker. Health I think is the biggest battle. Throughout your poem you created a ceasless and unconditional warfare atmosphere it is difficult for the reader to ignore. Just reading the poem and getting caught up in it's momentum was hectic enough for me. Good write loved reading it god'slark.