In the World of Bill

my poems

In the world of Bill there are no wrongs

only rights

there is no God

only a redneck named Jud

no thanking god

thank the J-U-D

Jud isn't a holy spirit

but he drinks spirits

he isn't at all qualified for what we ask

He only has the job on a technicality

He sleep with sister for it

Yes, he bedded down with Mother Nature

Kinda strange and kinky, but oh well

In the world of Bill people like music

not some music, not pop music, not choir music

no no no my friends, all music

The audible sound is pleasent, no matter the genre

Aural stimulation inflicts a positive aura

hence the odd correlation maybe?

Also in the World of Bill people speak fluently

Words like "befuddled" and "altruistic" run rampant through the streets

Ignorance is a crime punishable by dictionary

Intolerance is deadly to the coterie

Wasted phrases come with an elephantine sigh

In the World of Bill life is grand and all is well

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Idk, it came to me 10/11/05 as I was walking inside from the bus.  I took the back driveway bc my grandma was in the front driveway and I avoid her whenever possible.  

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avengers1965's picture

haha. i like it.