Lindsay G

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

i like the color blue and white tulips, my favorite band is deftones, my favorite song is ever long by foo fighters. My favorite author is Stephen king and the stand is my fave book by him, but otherwise I love the great gatsby and other, she's come undone. I'm a cat person, Jaxson is named after jack in the talisman just spelled diff cuz my friend beat me to the name. (not same reason though) I love Halloween and winter. Not a big fan of xmas. It's for kids, right? Cuz that whole Xmas is every day really gets lost after new years. People should try anyways all year.

About My Navel

it's an innie; it's hidden inside where my fears hide. Tucked underneath the truth and lies. No one knows or can find. Look and seek but you will lose. Secrets are kept safe beneath a words hues.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

stephen king and charles bukowski, Halloween, fall, fires, snow, silent moons and falling leaves, my nephews laughs, when a lost friend sends an unexpected text, reality tv shows,any thing on bravo!!! older shows: buffy, original csi, criminal minds; white tulips, long drives with nothing planned, day trips, my family, friends, and my Jaxson,(prrrtttdddttt)!


Member for
11 years 23 weeks