Too Young To Die


He was only 18 and thought he could drive
Because he was speeding he's no longer alive
Mom and dad no longer have their son
All because a thug was packing a gun
A family of four lost a child that was only nine
Because a drunk crossed the center line
If only he would of left the car stereo alone
His life might not be gone
Two boys who lived in the hood
Got into a fight over something that was misunderstood
One pulled out a switch blade knife
And took the others boys' life
She took the pills so she could get high
Little did she know they would cause her to die
To prevent another person from being next
The law made it illegal to drive and text
The younger generation is being taken out
All because they don't think about that shadow of doubt
They don't realize that this could be the day
That their young life could be taken away
They never stop to think about what lies ahead
If they did then most of the young might not be dead.

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Very Insightful

A very good poem. It really makes you think Ginny.