Day By Day


Sometimes it's so hard to believe that you're really gone
For twenty-six days you tried to hold on
Day by day I held your hand
Not knowing what was in God's plan
When you were called to go to your other home
Upon this Earth I was left to roam
When your job on earth was done
Your memories were left to help carry me on
The memories will stay
They'll never go away
When I was a little girl you held me tight
And taught me how to do things right
When my heart was broken in two
I'd come running back to you
You always knew just what to say
And stood by my side til the pain went away
We did a lot of things together
Things that I'll cherish forever
We had a special bond just you and I
When I think of you it's so hard not to cry
In my heart there's a special place
That no one else on Earth can replace
In my heart you'll never be gone
Day by day your memories I'll carry on
The hardest thing I've ever had to do
Is say my final goodbye to you.

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b4i8islept's picture

I can relate

This is a very touching poem. My Mom passed away July 7th of this year so I can relate to this poem.

doingwhatilike's picture

Re: I can relate

Sorry about the loss of your mom. My mom has been gone almost 10 years now and I still miss her every day. Not 10 months after losing mom I lost my dad. I have a poem called AFTER THE TEARS that you might like.

allets's picture

Sorry For Your Loss

I can not remember my mom's funeral. I went somewhere else for about a week. I remember bits and snatches, but mostly I was just lost, out in the cold, trying to breathe. We were not close, my mom and me, so the best I can say is I blanked it out...I visited her grave recently. She had quite a life, not a great one, but she raised four kids by herself, drank away her blues, and died alone. Death, be not proud - keep healing - Lady A