I can’t go to bed,

Cause the things in my head,

Make it hard to fall asleep.

It’s like it happened today,

and it won’t go away.

Don’t ask me to try counting sheep.

It’s a part of the past,

They say the memories won’t last.

Times a great healer.

When you’re lying in bed ,

They can get in your head,

But only if you go to sleep.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Some people can close their eyes and get instant wide screen.
Unfortunately everybody deals with it differently.

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Laura Maguire's picture

I like what you've wrote.PTSD sucks.Your peom rules though,I feel like that alot.

Miranda Rae's picture

Jim, it took me a minute to figure out what PTSD stood for (guess I had a blonde day with that one). Thanks for describing exactly what it's like sometimes; I had a bout with PTSD ten years ago.