
October 2015



Fraught with a melange of, multiculturalism .

With its, indigenous ...... cooking, smells.

Which permeates, it's narrow... streets .....both day, and night. 

Of, well travelled .....artisans.

A place, like ......no other!

A place, that draws .....you, in.

Where it's glittering buildings, now reach....... for the stars. 

While, blocking out..... the sun.

Where fortune,is sought, by all.

And the young, think.

It's streets.....



Paved with gold ?

Giajl © Jim Love

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allets's picture


San Francisco is being reorganized demographically - London, Paris, assuredly towns in Germany - is the grass always more golden on the other side? A great poem ~allets~




giajl's picture

Thank you

I visited Frisco several times as a youth in the 60's while on school vacation with my dad and his girlfriend.


Paratrooper's don't die........ they go to Hell and regroup!!!