Vessels of Love

Thoughts on Life

Each of us is a vase.

Some tower over the others

and are used to carry water

to the spiritually thirsty

who need gallonfuls of grace

and a splashing of love.

Others are small enough

to be used to hold

the ashes of a loved one

that has gone on

to a better place.

Some are in between

and multi-purpose;

they are used to deliver

flowers to the sick

and store spiritual treasure.

But what we cannot do

is contain our aggression

or unleash it on others;

either method causes

damage to this fragile vessel.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by: Anger: an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. ~Seneca

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good poem with good and impressive way done, even the composition of words and stanzas are rich... means you are attractive poetess with new ideas , new subjects and sure i will go through your more poems too and hope you will also read through my more peoms and let me know about your good comments being poetry friend...miss your sweet words dear jessica,,, pray for your success my dear friend...