You say you know where you are going.
But Satan blinded you to the fact that
You lost your way. He makes you think
You will find company walking in darkness.
But I know when no one is around
You feel so alone. I hope you find the road
That you willingly veered away from
Before it gets too dark outside
And Satan has hardened your heart,
Or you find it's too late to turn back.
I wasn't given all the directions
Before I headed out on this journey.
My compass doesn't always point north.
And sometimes I feel like I'm walking
Around in circles or going in reverse.
Even though I may get lost from time to time
I know all I need to do is look to the sky to
Find my direction. There I find my North Star.
And I can always rely on His guiding light
To brighten my path when I get lost.
very inventive!