Have You Ever?


Have you ever

Stood on the edge of a cliff

Looked down

And watched as your hope

Went tumbling down

Hitting the rocks below

Until all that remained was dust?

Have you ever

Stood on the edge of a cliff

Looked across

And watched as your fear

Rapidly approached towards you

In the form of a snowstorm

Until it left you frozen?

Have you ever

Stood on the edge of a cliff

Looked up

And watched as your worry

Caved in around you

Like an avalanche

Until it surrounded you?

Have you ever

Stood on the edge of a cliff

Looked down

And watched as your hope

Seemingly tumbled down

But it rose from the dust

And returned to you on wings?

Have you ever

Stood on the edge of a cliff

Looked across

And watched as your courage

Advanced towards you

In the form of rays of sunshine

And it melted away your fear?

Have you ever

Stood on the edge of a cliff

Looked up

And watched as your faith

Promised to keep you safe

As worry surrounded you

If you just hold on a little longer?

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wolfangel87's picture

Very Nice!