
you are my sweetheart ,

i could tell from the start,

you made me realize,

we could not be apart,

our love is divine ,

thats why you are mine


Είστε γλυκιά μου ,

 μπορώ να σας πω από την αρχή,

 σας έκανε να συνειδητοποιώ,

εμείς δεν θα μπορούσαν να απέχουν,

 αγάπη μας είναι θεία ,

πρόκειται για γιατί είστε ορυχείο
Author's Notes/Comments: 

these words was bounced into my head


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kymacstuff's picture


Clean, pure from the heart, I like it. Laughing

cevance's picture

Delicate and sentimental.

Delicate and sentimental. Very nice.

K.D's picture

expression is everything

the poem is good it tells me what love means to you but  i read 100 others just like it dont just write another love poem write a unique and different love poem

Fritz etheart

natalieguest's picture

love poem

i have it a broken heart but about love
