Never Made It To Prom

I've always been timid of my destiny,
Because all that I have done wrong,
Seemed less, not only less than me,
And one can only imagine how long.

I had not a bit of money, I had not a date,
The girl I asked awaited someone else;
So the night of glamor everyone anticipates
Turned to be just another one by myself.

I stayed home wondered about no women,
But solely one lady stressed in my mind;
She was the incredible lady, Randi Simmons;
I feared the motive why she left me behind.

I never asked or wished to find myself alone,
Yet it just so happened that I somehow do;
The matter occurs often since I have grown;
That is why it's that prom, I never made it to.

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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Superb! I went through something quite similar in junior year, and then went to the prom senior year but had to see the girl who was, then, the love of my life, with another guy while I was with a girl who was just a friend.
To this day, when I hear Frampton sing "Show Me The Way" (and that was "their" song, not ours), I am immediately transported back to that evening.


1SP's picture

Thank you

Your comment has changed my life.  The encouragement I needed to become a strong black man. I appreciate your feedback, because if not for your input, then I would still be a coy boy... a shy guy, if you would say. Thank you so much for giving me that boost through all these years, my friend. I surely will pass the encouraging words of Carpe Diem to my child.