Vision unfounded in twisting patterns of neurotic thought. The shrinks don’t help me at all and I read some of the great ones: Jung, Freud, Adler, Fromm, Skinner, Maslow, Frankl etc. Impressive list but it doesn’t leave a mark on me. I remember a Norman O Brown quote that man is subconsciously bent on self-destruction or something of the like. It is a disturbing thought but I ponder it anyway. I try to refute it. I can’t really come up with a convincing counterpoint. It’s best to try to put it all out of mind. Unpleasant thoughts MIGHT go away if you ignore them long enough. A theory that seems to be central to our consciousness.
Central theory
unAmerican in tone
a bit uneasing
American theory
this discomfort with ourselves
I've always admired your
I've always admired your sheer authenticity (even if it be merely an awareness of 'missing the mark' so to speak) and the frequency at which you share these little snippets of dare-I-say unWisdom. When I read anything of yours it's never force-fed, but on the contrary rather humble and reliable. So yah, thanks for all that. Glad you're still around.
peace, pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us, stoned or not
Thank you. I have always
Thank you. I have always used writing as a means of making sense of this world. If someone gains enjoyment or even--(gasp)--wisdom from my writing so much the better. I fuck up a lot but I try to own it. Eventually, I may learn from my mistakes.