So I'm ordering an Electric Witch, a 16% barrel aged barley wine and the sun has yet to set. I may be destined to crawl home and rise tomorrow with contusions and lacerations that I can not account for. And for some reason there always seems to be a sock in the fridge which especially makes no sense since I'm not even wearing socks. But the glass sitting there looks so pretty and innocent. Baudelaire was onto something with his "Fleurs du mal." It's just we aren't always wise enough to learn from other's mistakes.
from other's mistakes
our wisdom rejects lesson
we learn for ourselves
Dope Delirium
I would sure love a bottle of that!
bananas are the perfect food
for prostitutes
I'll share one with you one
I'll share one with you one day--if it lasts
My Language
Let's make it happen ~ It would be a blast
bananas are the perfect food
for prostitutes
You get to Philly, just drop
You get to Philly, just drop me a line. I'll see if I can get out