So this guy is telling me that he wouldn’t last 10 minutes with my boss.  I quickly guzzle my shot of blackberry brandy and look at the bartender.  I just nod my head and the bartender knows to pour another shot.  I tune out this barfly long enough to contemplate that telepathy must exist.  The bartender knew exactly what I wanted.

a shot of whiskey

forget about the long day

and indignity


“You must be really tough to deal with that shit.” I hear the guy saying to me.  He’s really obsessed with what an asshole my boss is.  I laugh out loud drinking my shot and chasing with my beer.  Maybe he’s right and I am a bad ass dealing with a really bad boss.  I just smile to myself and don’t bother telling the guy that I’m just passing through.

good boss or bad boss

it's still a soul sucking job

a bad ass endures



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We Are All

Just passing through. Beer and brandy simple. Life sliced.



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life of the working man in a

life of the working man in a nutshell