Hardly a trek worthy of Indiana Jones or Joseph Conrad. There is no heart of darkness as we just encounter some overgrown brush along the Delaware River adjacent to a local park. No wild mangroves although a Kamuro of roots metamorphize into a delusion of octopi.
Hiking boots a must
we traverse this lush forest
approaching river
No predatory animals ready to pounce for their supper. Just a little unkempt land keeping children away from the water. A possum may scurry by but it means you no harm. It slurped a tick with designs on your flesh. But how we can imagine that we’re on some wild journey moving into the depths of the jungles seeking long lost ancient cities subsumed by Mother
Nature’s fury. I suppose it isn’t much but it sure beats listening to Little League games and endless tales of birthday cakes and a hard seltzers.
Respite from party
a moment of fantasy
a life we don’t live