Sigmund Freud attracted a lot of acolytes during his career. Of course, a lot of people who followed him didn’t necessarily adhere to his work fully and often took his theories and principles in other directions. Freud was noted in his later years for quipping, “I’m glad I’m not a Freudian.”
He was noting the failure of many followers to take those principles and theories seriously. I always liked that line and always felt it could be paraphrased for many other historical figures. I see people using religion to serve their own purposes—and often in complete contrast with what the sacred figures preached. Jesus overturned tables in a synagogue in reaction to hypocrisy and I imagine he’d be pretty pissed off at a lot of these quasi-Christian evangelicals that don’t have a clue. Jesus would likely forgive people like Jerry Falwell, Donald Trump and Alex Jones—but I’m pretty sure he views them as jerks.
So I hear the lies
I’m glad I’m not a Christian
distorting message
your own personal Jesus
doesn’t equate with the truth