The worst ones are the days when nothing happens and kinesis is fully arrested. The hands of the clock seem to tick backwards at times. Each single minute crawls like a slug from under a rock searching for a new home. The tortoise seems to have full control. Time just oozes like molasses poured from a jar and suddenly the South seems fast. That’s when you know it’s been a long day and 10 minutes mysteriously transforms into 5 minutes and 20 minutes contemptuously fades into 10 minutes. Each time you look at the clock you just shake your head with disgust and just want to scream. It really has been an ungodly day and every ache you ever had in your life begins to hurt. You know it’s been a freaking long day but there’s nothing you can do except ride it out. Days like that may seem harmless on the surface but they always do suck. You just ride it out hoping Nietzsche was right.
an endless day ends
finally a setting sun
crescent moon peaks out
Here It IS!
The "...every ache you ever had... poem. Been lookin' for it and, voila! ~S~
It will come although it will
It will come although it will hurt a bit