I’m already setting up the game plan of wearing my kilt to work on St. Patrick’s Day.  See what the reaction is.  I’m sure some would scoff but it is my cultural heritage.  It’s a good plan but we have to see if the weather holds up.  We have had some snowstorms on St. Patty’s Day lately.


“Whoo hoo!  It’s St. Patty’s Day!  Wear my kilt!” Oh crap, 14 inches of snow on the ground and you’re that one douchebag white boy wearing shorts in 4 below zero weather.  “Postpone the kilt!”

Celtic kilt in green

the imperial pint of stout

raised in soft salute


Of course, if I wear the tie dyed kilt they can question the cultural authenticity.  I am half Irish but I’m also part DeadHead so I’d have them on double discrimination if they question my heritage.


Irish kilt postponed

14 inches of white stuff

papering the ground


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