All the bar stories

are greatly exaggerated

like getting a blow job

in the bathroom

or dancing on stage

with strippers

and the massive quantities

of alcohol consumed

and the legendary bar buddies

all of whom

 also live in this delusion

that is necessary

to keep us from seeing

how fucked up

everything really is

which cause us all

to feel totally worthless



View georgeschaefer's Full Portfolio
Pungus's picture

your style is timeless


peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

georgeschaefer's picture

thank you.  The folders are

thank you.  The folders are generally put together as books.  The ones that are published will have a photo of the cover and a link.  The ones with with no cover photo are unpublished and sometimes unfinished.  The collections publsihed or waiting on pulbication may or may not have all the poems posted here on postpoems.  The folders with a z- include poems not yet included in a collection.  I am working through all my old notebooks and new writings and trying to get everything down.  There's over 40 years of work and I don't always present material in chronological order.  It may not be the best system but I'm too lazy to change anything.

Pungus's picture

I have the same idea with

I have the same idea with mine. However, unlike your towering success of so many publications, none of the folders I have put together so far are in print. Maybe one day.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

georgeschaefer's picture

I use Kindle Direct

I use Kindle Direct Publishing.  I put together the manuscript. lay it out, design the cover and release whenever I want.  I have 20 avvailable on amazon and 8 more that a re complete and could be released at any time.  I have one more manuscript completed but I have to design the covder and put that together.  If it's out, people can do what they want with it.  They can purchase copies or ignore me.  Most ignore me but that's okay.  


If you are uncomfortable with or feel any stigma about self publishing, there are presses like Alien Buddha Press or Dumpster Fire Press that might be amenable to your work.


thank you for reading and commenting

S74rw4rd's picture

You explain the process very

You explain the process very well.  I cannot imagine why someone would feel a stigma or a discomfort with self-publishing.  It is certainly a viable option.  One of the most Poets who impacted my life in a big way, Thomas Jones Jr. (now largely forgotten), self-published his first book of poems.  And, in a way, even PostPoems is a form of self-publishing, although (thankfully) Jason does not charge us to use his site.  I applaud your publishing history, and I wish you well in future efforts.


georgeschaefer's picture

postpoems (and other such

postpoems (and other such sites) is a legitimate means to publish poems.  The work is out there.  People with no interest or means to purchase a book can still read a lot of fine poetry.  I enjoy the whole process of putting a book together, laying it out, designing a cover etc.  All the photography (good or bad) is also my own.  I'm pleased when anyone enjoys what I do.