An anonymous guy

reading Poe

under moonlight treasures

and windy evening air

the deep amber Autumn

perpetuates the desire

an evening soiree

inflamed with lingering eyes

fingers entwined

in singular grip

fists clenched

at the provisions

of the act

a night of this

or that

this anonymous guy

reading Poe

dashes off across

glorious October aura

the pumpkins have

wicked eyes indeed

and the ghouls and goblins

never do stop shadowing

our realities




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S74RW4RD's picture

This poem certainly creates

This poem certainly creates an eerie atmosphere around the act of reading Poe, and I think Poe, himself, would applaud your verbal artistry; as do I.


georgeschaefer's picture

thank you.  just trying to

thank you.  just trying to live and write in the moment--howver dramatic or mundane it may be