


Images float

             thru my brain

        and I

            feel rather pleasant


but I wonder

              longer what

           the meaning is


       what to do


          along my path


Wild sins

             set siege

                     upon my heart

                and I succumb


                   to Chinese sultry

                        and magnolia vices


The fog surged thru

                      my brain

           and clouded my thoughts

                   Confused I yet

                          continued to stagger on

             in a drunken sobriety


And I feel the pressure

                 of the multiple barriers

            wrought before us


I reach up for

                  the heavens

           and cling

              to low soaring stars

         as Haley’s Comet

                    yet eludes me

         and visions remain aloof


I sink under

              a spell

                 of illusion

           and I feel

              burning gasses

       and jagged rock

          cutting thru my pretense


I gasp for air

          and clutch at straws

There is no escape

             Orange sunshine

           calls in the distance


I feel the purple pyramid

               Closing in on me

The illusion of grandeur

                     pull me up

           war torn allies attempt

        to salvage my remains


I feel a broken man

               as I recognize

                   my other self


This invisible enemy

             savage like a beast

               and yet tamable

          to become a pet parrot


I look down

            to see a trickle

         of blood on my toes

I look outward

             and see confusion


Insecurity causes me

                        to adapt

           a turtle’s shell

                to hide from reality


but it is not so bitter

                after all

Green grass and blues skies

            and a fire read moon

               call for us


I respond to my muse’s call

               and realize

           my destination



                that might be


or wherever

              it may lead


Oct/Nov 1985


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