

Going to the men’s room

at the TLA

and seeing graffiti

over the urinal:


   “Suzie Slater gives

    Long conversation.”


and I’m thinking

that would be a great title

for a Frank Zappa song

but since Frank is dead

it’s up to me to write a poem


but I was thinking

about the ramifications

of such a poem


Everyone would want to know

who is Suzie Slater

and I would start off

telling the truth


I would let everyone know

that it was graffiti

on a bathroom wall

that I thought would make

a great title for a poem


but it would get annoying

after awhile

and I would get bored

with the reality


that’s when I would start lying

and changing things around

and stretching the truth

just a wee little bit


10 years from now

Suzie Slater will be

my ex-wife

and there’ll be

a whole drawn out sob story

about how she dumped me


It’s like a game

of whispering down the line:

by the time you get

to the end of the line

it’s entirely different


a few white lies never hurt

and blowing the situation

out of proportion

is a classic American trait


real life is dull enough

There’s o need

for my fantasy life

to be just as dull




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a delightful poem



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thank you.  glad you enjoyed it