A nightmare enters

              my sleep

the kingdom of tranquility


by deep onslaught

           of mixed nihilism


soon I am chased

         and hunted by lions

through the streets I race


     clinging to sanity


the dreams are dark

       and I can not

   sway them

           in the other direction


Moonlight reveals

            my every hiding place

the darkness can not hide me

        it merely reveals me


      again and again


on through the night with

          no peace and quiet

a nightmare fills my sleep

      and I anxiously await

         rebirth of the dawn


May 19, 1986


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allets's picture

unswaying dark dreams


The times sink in at different rates, some instantly, some a year from event, some never. Like a death. Like any loss. ~S




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sometimes I can sway the

sometimes I can sway the dreams in a positive direction