
of prior input


return to raw

basic data

yet the day remains


in dark indigo ink;

the words of prophets

etched in the souls

of other humans


the tusk

of elephants;

the angels; the clouds

concealing blue sky


but over all

the game of dreams

is tantalizing;

the promise of nights


the height

of the symbol

scattering chaos

on the masses


the hopes of youth

remain ethereal

the dance off

into eternity

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allets's picture


oinched from the lyrical pocket in the heart. somebody call the style police - there's been a a break-out! I witnessed a semi-colon. "the game of dreams" especially. Enjoyed a ditty of hope.  :D



georgeschaefer's picture

I like my semicolons and my

I like my semicolons and my adverbs.  Sue me if you must.

Seryddwr's picture

I applaud your use of them!

I applaud your use of them!

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

georgeschaefer's picture

some of us still use complete

some of us still use complete words and try to use the correct punctuation--at least some of the time.

Seryddwr's picture

Yes. I have never felt that

Yes. I have never felt that the "telegraph" style of English does much justice to the language.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]