


ethical paradoxes arise

I can feel

the desperation of solitude

that passes slowly


creepy, creepy, creepy

it has my skin crawling


You have to remember

that all these critics

need to believe

that they are smarter

than the average bear


so they champion obscurity

and wear it like a badge

they are in the know

and they’re proving it

by their choice of music

or film or art


and it’s all rather boring

and I have no desire

to go along for the ride


it just isn’t worth the effort

and I find

that I can not abide



Author's Notes/Comments: 

not sure when I wrote this:  before or after The Big Lebowski

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allets's picture

never saw

big L movie. Desperation of solitude is pretty topical. Following requires followers and many just follow. That 's how we got Trump.




georgeschaefer's picture

ooh, political commentary on

ooh, political commentary on a social poem.  Cool, I can live with that.