It’s come down to this:

I am a defeated man

beaten down by fate


That’s something many

viewed as destiny

while others still

foresee eventual glory


The pen is still

entrenched in hand;

perhaps that is

a victory in itself


but I no longer

possess the sharp edge

or the concise wit


My vision is numbed

and vomiting out

chunks of ideas

utterly unusable


I guess we all

end up falling one day

It’s a bummer

it came so soon for me



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S74RW4RD's picture

I am sorry you have had to

I am sorry you have had to feel like this.  I think it is one of those paths of life all of us must tread.


georgeschaefer's picture

We all have our ups and

We all have our ups and downs.  No use pretending we're always on cloud nine

allets's picture

I Deny Failure And Defeat


If I can take a deep breath - VICTORY!!! Besides, with economy crumbling the "winners" will learn perseverance from us. Ha! ~S~



georgeschaefer's picture

that $1,200 one off check

that $1,200 one off check will solve everything.