Somewhere far deep inside
The mountainous fortress
Great Mother proudly wears
Heavy coats of pine & fur
High above the busy muck
Of the worries of life
Untold voices waken
The pleasing lullabies
Of her wondrous night
Secluded, safe from woes
Inside her gentle arms
I hear a symphony
Of great searching eagles
Across the rippling lakes
The merriment of wolves
Add joy to perfect song
To the silvery glow
Of her emerging moon.
Fairy whispers are caught
In the flirting leaves teased
By the cooling sweet rains
And within the cabin walls
The sun kissd grandchildren
Sleep, dream, sheltered safely
From the outer darkness
And the encompassing
Of her perfect deep embrace
But I, have my comfort
Knowing she is with me
And even though my hand
Has all but disappeared
Beyond these aging eyes
I Surrender to her dark
As embers from the fire
Slowly begin to die
I can still hear her breathe
July 2008 - Amy Riberdy
The Great Mother:
What a wonderfull piece about our home "Earth" and it's many types of environment. To encourage a global mass clean up and Mother earth will know that we care; and take good care of her thereafter; spend more time at the aforementioned endeavours and there will be less time for warfare and it's chaotic, predestined, spoilage of human life, earth's environment, animal and sea life, and the submergence of our World wide civilizations - and into ruination. Loved your piece of work here I think the reader can really share in the wonder of our planet and it's many locations. Great.
a good tribute for this poem and its as best poem as your poetry is... your subjects are new.. hope you like my work too