I do not just want to be in love

I do not just want to be in love

I do not just want to be in love it wanting to last forever.

I do not just want to feel love I want to feel fireworks

every time we touch even the softest touch.

I donot just want be in love I want love last.

I donot want to feel love I want the world

 to see what love is suppose to be like.

I want to make you smile

everytime as we are talking to each other.

I donot want be in love

 I want to feel like this love will never end.

I donot know if this love could real

but I want to make you feel like you are only girl for me.

I want the world to look at us

and see how much we love each other.

I know it is too early to call it real love

 but I do not just want be in love I want know it is real.

I donot just want to be in love

 I want the fireworks and sparks to fly every time we talked.

I donot just want to be in love

I want the fireworks to go off as we touch

 and make you feel love all the time.

-Gene Conner

February 23, 2011 

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I know this feeling too. When you not only want love, you want a reality.

Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before. - Steven Wright

People like you are the reason people like me exsist. Out of a song of the same title by a band called 'Say Anything'