Midnight Interlude(an acrostic fantasy poem feat. NaughtiLinz)




Gemini Star......INTERLUDE

M ocha flavored lip gloss taunting and imploring your kiss

I nviting sentiments are expressed soley in your stare

D elicious eye candy displayed before me, my body persists

N eeding to gratify these thoughts of impurity and begin this affair

I ntense feelings bestowed emotionally and physically im aroused

G ripping and stroking Extasy in its finest most pleasurable forms

H eated affection manipulates my psyche pleading for a sin to commit

T onight emotions eagerly conjoin our mind and bodies which are anxious to perfom....

I nhibitions melt in the heat of passion we crave so much

N akedness incorporated in our consenting ways of lust

T antilizing feelings that are racing through my heart's marathon

E xercizing my right to bear arms around your paragon

R enewing your love license, dreams of wet kisses, lip-biting convulsions

L eveling manhood to the center of your earth,evoking out-of-this-world explosions

U ndetected evidence of liquid pleasures laced within your pain

D ivided 3 and a half hours by the 3 times you came

E xplored and enveloped for first class at 12AM

and metaphorically giving you the greatest mind sex your soul ever had.......


Author's Notes/Comments: 

something a friend and I were working on one night on AIM

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Shaketa Copelin's picture

This was a really good collab.