Psychic Chick

Oh you're just in time for a treat this evening

please have a seat for this fortune reading

you have strong hands and quite an incredible stature

and the eyes of a conscious warrior for all to capture

your power color is green, so you should wear that tomorrow

to avoid enemies in your path and various troubles that follow

your life line says that you'll endure many challenges

you'll have a wife, 3 kids, 5 grandkids, they should keep you balanced

but Equifax will piss you off as your hair turns gray

and someone in your family mysteriously turns gay

you look quite puzzled, you want to know more

let me shuffle these tarot cards for an extra four

the moon card says you're determined and energetic

and someone close to you betrayed you, how pathetic

Did you know that many of your peers look up to you

for the many occupations you commit and love to do?

your forecast in the love department appears very dark

you're picky with your taste in women, always guardin the heart

the last one had a habit of playing with your head

plus her breath was bad and she was lousy in bed

and the time she faked her pregnancy and said it was gas

and keeps several kilos of yayo in her own private stash

she's about 2 snorts away from getting busted

good thing you left early, that bitch can't be trusted

and what about your mom, she wants some grandkids soon

so expect to be a daddy sometime next June

and like most black fathers who hate going to court

take care of your kids and you won’t pay child support

you’re a hard working man, so that shouldn’t occur

Wait…...I’m getting another sign, but it’s quite a blur

I see your girl likes to creep around when you’re gone for the day

And it gets worse cuz your job is miles away

however plans to move to another state may be stalled

until that settlement money comes to pass in the fall

your lucky stars says you'll invest in a home

a domain to build your gym so your kids can roam

Oh, I have all the answers and I know plenty

but if you want to know more, it's gonna cost you twenty

the card of swords says you'll discover your role and purpose

and have your own personal vision and to start your own service

just like your favorite uncle who owns the rim shop

in 2 more years, you might just hear a pin drop

business won't bloom as competitors excel and smoke

he'll be hit with tax evasion and he'll probably die broke

your retarded little brother may come through to help him out ("I don't have a brother")

but he instead saves the money, plans a trip and be out

the tarot cards don't lie I wouldn't do you dirty

but for a spiritual healing, I'll only charge you thirty

do you have such faith as I reveal these predictions

so I can help you overshadow these feeble conditions

from the look on your face, you don't feel as free

and somehow a prediction that is leveled towards me

like maybe tomorrow I should go look for another job

cuz as a psychic, how come I didn't see myself gettin robbed?

"Put all the money and crystal ball in the bag, NOW!!!!"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A parody on phony psychic healers and scams. lol.

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Average Black Girl's picture

I liked this a lot - I hate that phony stuff too, and when people prey on someone elses 'need to know'. Great piece.