Alphabetically Sexing You

A s I lay you down upon my bed

B reathing calmly and stroking your head

C aressing you with oil from head to feet

D elightfully whispering in your ear something sweet

E ver so gently I remove your clothes

F ornicating behavior on a bed of roses

G oing down further I kiss every part of your body

H elplessly you moan, I should take this as a hobby

I ntensely going south, you hold a grip of my hair

J oyously your legs become caressed with every care

K issing the feline before starting to feast

L eveling the passion past high, ravaging my beast

M agically I lick you like you've never been licked before

N odding my head up and down in a world wide tour

O rally yours till your cup runneth over

P arting ass cheeks with the quickness, but entering slower

Q useting on penetrating deep inside of you

R evealing intimate fantasies the way we do

S urrendering yourself to me, your frame mounted on mine

T empting your endurance, no time for time

U nderneath the covers we lay exhausted

V ast emotions racing through our minds and glossin

W aking up the next day, tired from last night's pleasure

X-rated moments persuading us to naughty behavior

Y ou can count on me for amazing sex and foreplay

Z ealously our passion for each other never dies away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The ABC's of sex. You likes?

View geministar's Full Portfolio
Ruth Lovejoy's picture

Interesting way to use the alphabet hahalol..What I do like about your piece is it's sensual not derrogatory or profane..Some go too far, this is just far enough ..

Average Black Girl's picture

To the author's comments - tha answer is hell yeah, we like that! Nice write, creatively tight. You did your thing. Looks like I have some catching up to do - gotta check out more of your new posts...