speaker panties

speaker panties

surround sound that reverberates

from thigh to thigh with the sigh

of pleasure panties that slip on

and off and around with quiet joy

exploding in a quiver

that dances in your toes

without all the thoughtful quotes of

an after dinner keynote address

but less formal and willing to wiggle

past the bottle of wine

proceeded by a g&t  and fermented

with a kiss

undies that indiscriminately

tell a story of design

designated to expand the elastic

and grip of decency

in the moments between sound

and circumstance

between yes and

o yes

and the whispers of

yes yes yes

leading to the din of heavy, restful

clicking of a million synapse

playing the classics

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S74rw4rd's picture

I am utterly overwhelmed by the exquisite verbal beauty of this poem. You set an example that most poets ought to learn from; but you also achieve a degree of perfection that most poets can only dream of.
