autumn hue

the sun has its way

through the trees

bending with amber desire

refracting with flexible panache

i have desire and frustrations

that bend around autumn affections

september always plays games

with the harp made

of my heart strings

as if it were soft

background music

riding around the lake

the retiring sunlight

dips into the serenity

of a nonchalant current

for one of the last skip

across pleasure

with the tan lines

of scrambled tenderness

simmering in the heat

of the opportunity

and that is the moment

i slide a string through

creating a necklace

of simple shades

of pleasure

for you

View gemboy's Full Portfolio
S74rw4rd's picture

This is the finest evocation of autumn, and of love in autumn, that I have read in over 30 years of reading poetry.


Jen Martin's picture

imagry that pushes me around the page like the autumn wind.

makes me feel like going outside into the night air and watching the leaves dance around me
