I am Love

Print 3

For when the storm ceases

and the world breathes again

I will still be here to pick up the pieces

and help numb the pain

that you feel


I will still be here with a smile

smile you have denied me for long

I will still be here with a gentle touch

and forgive every wrong

that you have done to me


For when the day is over

and the last song is sung

look around for your friends 

I am afraid you shall find none

for they have their own lives to live


But my love, don’t look so forlorn

I will still be here to hold your hand

and you shall never really be alone

while I possess the last grain of sand

that is time


For when you are finally tired

of the hurt this world invariably brings

I will still be here to hold you in my arms

and wrap you within my wings

like a child


Then no evil shall touch you again

or trouble your every waking dream

the sun shall forever shine above

and I will still be here 

as I have always been

For I am love

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This is quite a beautiful

This is quite a beautiful love poem, somewhat elegaic in tone, but very moving---and very accurate to the experience of many---nonetheless.

J-Called [fka Starward]