I Know.

i see you struggling to get by...

you keep fighting to keep up...

trying to not let many know of these battles

that take place deep inside...

i try to just let you be,

because i know that you feel ashamed of the confusion

society knows of your ever lasting feminine ways...

but deep inside you fight this need to be the perfect wife.

you see his mistakes and you console him...

you hear his disappointment with you and you feel shame...

to the outside your outspoken, smart, beautiful, confident, full of life, no one can stop you...

but i see your doubt,

you doubt every word, you question your beauty, you struggle to keep up...

you hate me because i know you know .... i know...


what people think is life in your eyes...i see the almost tears


why keep up with this charade?

they would understand,

your family wouldn't judge you...

who cares what society says...

they all make mistakes...

point me the perfect asshole ... i'll show you their shit.




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