gabz i.m.o.e.t.

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Im a down to earth kinda girl, that uses life from every angle to let some of these pent up feelings out ... i love to write but i dont call my stuff poetry i like to think of them as my notes... i been writing since i can remember its the only way to let things out, you will rarely see me mad. =)

UPDATE: Im not the to down to earth girl anymore, life made me grow up. I can say no to you with a big fucken smile on my face. I dont write like I used too... I hate faking smiles and i hate small talk im 30 and i dont have much time for b.s.

About My Navel

Round clean and small

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Besides this website

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

"...Pills and powder only placate it awhile,
Then it puts you in a place where the planet's
poles reverse.
where the currents of electricity shift...
Your body becomes a magnet and pulls to it despair
and rotten teeth,
Cheez Whiz and guns..." -Jim Carroll "8 Fragments for Kurt Cobain"

..."i know that you believe you understand what you think i said, but im not sure you realize that what you heard is not what i meant" -robert mccloskey

"a question that sometimes drives me hazy: am i or the others crazy?" -Albert Einstein


Member for
14 years 5 days