We Were Wrong

They say that blood is thicker than water, what does that even mean?

That family will always be there for you that you’ll never be alone?

When your little you don’t think about losing the people you love, not only to death but to reality.

They tell you that no matter what you will always be loved, that no one will hurt you, that the world is safe.

But yet here we are with life threatening diseases cancer, heart diseases we have family or friends that you just gave that goodbye kiss and cuddle saying that you’ll be back soon that you love them, only to get that dreaded phone call five minutes later saying “they’re gone you’ll never see them again” whether it was from cancer, car accident, over dose, suicide or even murder, it hurts. You were told that there will be no that will hurt you but here you are crying, you were told that the world is safe that you will be loved but here we are; war after war, bomb after bomb, death after death. Here we are dealing with the agonising pain whether your friend was sent to war, neighbour coping the harsh punishment of death or you hiding frightened for your life because you no your next. We were told that this place was safe; that this world was safe. As kids we weren’t told about the mass killings we were told that the monsters under our bed weren’t going to hurt us but not told that you could have someone kill you because what was portrayed to you as ‘safe’ isn’t. We weren’t aware of the concept of death, we thought we would be safe, we thought we would be loved forever; we were wrong.

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I commend you for facing a

I commend you for facing a very difficult truth that most people never face. People live their lives thinking that something is going to save from the realities of life, and what is worse, they teach their children that there is an escape from reality and there is not if indeed we want to live in this world for however long we are meant to be here. Life can be wonderful if we learn to enjoy the simple things, and show appreciation to each other and the earth. ~blessings~

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "