What have I lost?

What have I lost?

I've lost my father

at a young age of 9.


What have I lost?

I've lost my grandparents

that I was close with,

2 years ago.


What have I lost?

I've lost the capability;

of looking at the past,

It's time; to keep moving foward.


What have I lost?

I've lost the town,

my childhood place,

moved to a place,

which has many more

pathways to choose from. Good thing?

I believe so.


I've lost many things,

lost family members,

hometowns, things that were

holding me back, can't keep

making excuses, I must make my

escape. To succeed in life, one must

believe that they can.


What have I lost?

space on this page,

to write more.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem back in 2013 and now wanted to share it. 

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blueness's picture

Nice poem. when you said that

Nice poem. when you said that you lost space on this page, did you mean literally Or as a metaphor? Just curious. 

Full_of_Randomness's picture

I originally had written this

I originally had written this on paper.. So as I said I lost space on the page I meant it literally.