Buy subversive books and be American.  It really is all about free thought.  That’s what Jefferson would have wanted it to be.  That’s what Thomas Paine would have wanted.  That is what Abraham Lincoln would have wanted.  Be able to think for yourself.  Learn.  Educate.  Keep your mind as sharp as you can keep it.  Hone it like a knife.  You’ll never know when you’ll be called on to use it.  It’s a defense and a weapon.  The human mind is a great tool.  Use it!  Make the most out of the brain that you got.  It’s yours so use it.  Use it to make you profit or benefit.  The function of the human brain is to think.  To think!  So inspiring!  The ability to use a brain.  Wow!  It excites me and fills me with beatific visions.  I ponder the elusive nirvana and keep my hopes high.  I feel good about it like a real patriot in a time of crisis.  Gaining no momentum but moving at a steady pace.  Keep moving.  Keep everything in circulation.  Keep the heart beating.  Keep the mind in high gear.  Keep abreast of all the things that might be going down.  Make it work and keep it active at all times.

keeping it sleazy

bright easy banning of books

we read underground


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allets's picture


a postpoems poet recently adjured poets to think and I have been inspired. I'm the poet standing next to you flicking my thumb, saying, "What he said!" - Thanks for the share - slc



georgeschaefer's picture

and read them, too.

and read them, too.